Name MA²ThE-TE-AMO MAking MAThEmatics TEAchers MObile
Code 129543-CP-1-2006-1 -IT-COMENIUS-C21
Action/type COMENIUS-C21
Project span 01.10.2006 01.10.2009 |
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Introduction to the questionnaires
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Introduction to the questionnaires
MA²ThE TE AMO Project
- MA²ThE TE AMO – MAking MAThEmatics TEAchers Mobile is an EC
Socrates/Comenius 2.1 (Training of School Education Staff) project. The project
span is 1/10/2006 – 1/10/2009.
- The partner institutions are:
- Centro di Ateneo di Formazione e Ricerca Educativa – Università di Pisa
(Italy) – coordinator
- Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Czech Republic)
- Skårup Seminarium (Denmark)
- Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres de Créteil (France)
- Universität Wien (Austria)
- The project focuses on furthering mathematics teachers’ mobility by
enhancing their confidence in their foreign language competence and thereby
reducing their reluctance to be mobile. It takes into account the shortage of
mathematics teachers in western countries, “universality” of school mathematics
curricula and standards, and the required language and communicative competences
necessary for reading and discussing mathematics in a foreign language.
- The aim of the project is to prove, by the piloting of the same didactic
units in the five partner countries, that it is not difficult to teach
mathematics abroad provided that teachers acquire the necessary intercultural
communicative competence.
- A preliminary analysis has shown the current situation to be:
- in some countries (FR, IT), there is very little or no interaction between
teachers of maths and languages;
- in other countries (AT, CZ, DK) student teachers can obtain a joint degree
in maths [taught in the mother tongue] and in a foreign language;
- however, nowhere are the student teachers educated to use the foreign
language as the medium of instruction in maths.
- The two questionnaires aim at getting more precise and complete information
on the present situation concerning the above issues. One questionnaire is
addressed to mathematics/language in-service teachers
and student teachers in secondary schools, the other to mathematics/language
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